Sunday, May 3, 2015

Looking Back to Go Forward

Many years ago I used to be the manager of a Subway Restaurant. I loved that job. I often worked alone and, when I had free time and all the tasks were done, I would sit and read my bible. I also had a corner in the back that I liked to pray in when the store was without customers. 

One night a lady walked in to place an order. She seemed different than most customers. I recall her hair was a special shade of bright red and she was dressed very well.

 As I made her sandwich we chatted.  I don't recall what our specific talk was about, but I recall that she spoke of friends of hers that worked in mental health. I told her about the kids I knew at the time and the church we were attending. We chatted back and forth until her order was complete.  As I was ringing up her order I asked her if she was also a mental health worker due to her references. She responded that she was not. She told me she was a country music singer. I thought that was neat and asked her what her name was. I wanted to know so that I could listen for her music. 

She looked at me and calmly replied, "My name is Naomi Judd." I was stunned. My response was, "Oh! I know who you are." I did not ask her for an autograph. She left the store, but shortly after a man came in with signed copies of her picture, both for me and my church kids.

After they left I went next door and down the hall. Our store was connected to Junior Foods, a service station. I told the girl working that night what had happened. Ms. Judd had been in her store first before coming into mine. The girl in Junior Foods told me that she thought there was something familiar about the lady but didn't realize who she was.

I tell you this story to let you know what God shared with me about that event so long ago. He told me that He can cross my path with anyone He chooses. He also showed me that, just like that girl in Junior Foods, we often miss what God has placed right in front of us. We may have a slight sense of something that seems familiar, yet we fail to see it. 

Be sensitive to what the Lord would want to say to you and to what He desires to show you. Take time to become familiar with people or situations that come before you. I have no doubt that you will often be surprised by what you learn. Perhaps, as you continue to talk or ask questions, you may realize that your first impression of something or someone is not what it seemed to be. 

You are not insignificant, unseen, or unnoticed. You matter to God. He really does know you by name. He loves you. Be willing to be amazed when He takes your from your prayer closet and places you in front of people you never thought possible. Remember, when He does that, if you will continue to trust Him, He will give you words to speak that will benefit you and your audience, as well as glorify Him and His Son, Jesus. 

God will supply everything you need from beginning to end. Many blessings to you all.