Imagine how different people might be if we build them up rather than tear them down. Whether someone makes mistake after mistake or just doesn't seem to measure up...just imagine. It's not always easy to see others the way the Lord sees them. We are often so short-sighted and temporary minded. God sees the eternal picture through a lens of love we so often cannot comprehend.
We are not different from one another really. In fact, we may be just a few bad (or simply different) choices away from being just like the ones we scoff at. How different our world and the world of another may be when we decide to really walk in that love we say we have for others around us.
I am not saying we should support bad behavior or that we should automatically trust everything said or done from another, especially when that trust may have been broken before or even over and over. I look around and see so much disconnect and brokenness. I see people out there hurting who are isolated from others and guarded.
They cannot often reach out for many reasons. The walls they built around themselves are often so tall and so thick. They seem to push us away by their words or actions, but what if.....What if we loved them anyway? Consistently and sincerely, without expectation of anything in return. "Impossible!", you say?
The bible tells me that God is love, and in another place it says love never fails. If God is love and love never fails, then I conclude that God never fails. Some would argue that God often fails. He fails our expectations. He fails to reconcile us to some who we prayed for. He fails to provide what we want or need. Sometimes we feel like God has broken our trust, so how can we or why should we love others fully and completely? Why should we allow others to love us?
God is love. Love never fails. God never fails. When we become persuaded in these truths our vision starts to become a little less short-sighted. When we allow God's love to truly wash through us and over us, we find we have an abundant supply to love even the most unlovely of people...and actually mean it. We no longer love them because "it is the right thing to do". No, we love them because we finally have a glimpse, a taste, of how much God loves us. We cannot help but be compelled by His love to love Him, love ourselves and love others.
Some people may be harder to extend love to. Maybe it has to be done from a distance or through our prayers, but it can be sincere. We will face many disappointments in life and many challenging people. I would encourage you to become so persuaded in the Lord and His ability to transform you and those around you.
In Matthew 16, Jesus asked His disciples, "But who do you say that I am?” We all have to answer that question for ourselves. I don't understand everything that the Lord does, but I am completely persuaded in Him.
I trust Him and I know that He can create beauty from ashes, joy from tears, life from death,. I know what He has done in my life, what He has seen me through, help me overcome and completely turned around. I know how often He has blessed me and how often He has been my Comforter.
When I look back on how He has kept, me , loved me, restored me and forgiven me, then how can I not love others? I often fail and it is easy to get caught up in the drama of tearing down another. However, I am persuaded that:
God is love.
Love never fails.
God never fails.
Love never fails.
God never fails.
I pray you would be persuaded as well.
Love you Jenny Newman. No need to be persuaded about that. Thank You Jesus and thank you Jenny! Amen!