Can you imagine becoming so filled and affected by the love of God that our actions to minister, to serve, to love, to go, to do...all would be done as a reflex reaction to that love? I wonder how much we would begin to do simply in obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit once we were yielded to the point that we heard Him daily. Would we become more impulsive? Would our choices to obey confound those closest to us?
I remember being in a service several years ago. We had may teens in that service and the message was truly anointed. Several teens were so affected that they got up and went outside. Some were on the side of the building and a couple were in the front yard. I remember one boy in particular. He was bowed under a tree weeping so hard. He was weeping because he just felt and experienced the love of God. It overwhelmed him and so he wept as he struggled to accept God's love. The two on the side of the building also were in need of prayer.
The whole scene was beautiful, but not to everyone. The minister that evening only saw chaos because of the few that went out before the message was finished. What appeared unsettled and out of control was in complete control of the Lord. It seemed like we could not minister fast enough to those under conviction and in need of prayer. The Holy Spirit did not seemed bothered one bit, but it bothered the one called to deliver His message that evening.
If that one who was bothered by the interruption had been more yielded to what the Lord was doing I wonder how that evening might have been even more amazing in the hearts of those young ones. Instead of rejoicing and being in awe of God at work that one chose sullenness, offense and jealousy. That one had been yielded for a time when sharing God's word but forsook that yielding when hearts and eyes were turned only upon the Lord.
May we consciously choose each day to be yielded to the Holy Spirit, even if that means that we are no longer being seen or heard. May we simply be found in service to the needs of those around us.
How fantastic would it be if every week, when we go to church, we find fewer and fewer people there because they chose to be completely yielded to the plans of the Lord? What if those plans took them to another state, town, country or church? Would we rejoice at the spontaneity of the Lord or would we be sullen, judgmental or jealous?
The question is not whether or not God calls you to leave everything around you that is familiar. The question is, "Would you go?"
Yes Lord.
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All of YOU!