Do you ever get blind-sided by something someone says or does that hits a nerve that you thought was dead? By dead I mean you thought you didn't have to deal with being a bit reactionary, like maybe you had grown past that...then, BAM!! the dead nerve comes alive.
That happened to me recently. I am always telling my kids that they may not be able to control what others do or say but they can control how they respond. I say often that how we respond is a "choice not a condition". In other words, we are not afflicted with uncontrollable responses to life's less than favorable moments. We choose our responses.
Cue the Zombie Nerve!!
Now, here I am fighting the zombie within my self, the part that refuses to die. I may not have seen Zombie Nerve in a while yet here it was, in full, glorious color, evoking emotion after emotion for about two days.
So, what did I do? I sought the counsel of trusted friends. We prayed together. We pondered together and we reminded each other that, ultimately, God was in complete control. I rested in that knowledge, firmly persuaded that what God began He would complete.
God's word tells us that we must crucify our flesh daily. I wonder if He thought of us being like zombies when He had those words penned? It certainly fits. Personally, I am not a fan of zombie shows/movies, but I know zombies are hard to kill, and that if you are scratched or bitten by one then you become one also.
That falls right in line with when we allow our flesh to rule ove the spirit of God within us. We start to contaminate others who come in contact with us. No wonder the Lord told us to crucify our flesh daily. We must be vigilant at all times.
Love one another. Support one another. Be accountable to trusted friends who, when necessary, can help you conquer your own zombie nerve before you become the reason for the next zombie apocolypse in your church or town.
Unlike in the movies or the shows, there is a cure for zombie nerves. His name is Jesus. At His name every knee must bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord...even zombies. So, take it to Him, take up your cross and follow Him.
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