Saturday, October 8, 2016

Loving Others is Like a Rubik's Cube

Loving others is sometimes like trying to fix a Rubik's cube. It is messy and nothing seems to line up or make sense when we look at it. We turn it in all directions and the colors still don't match. If you keep trying, after a while it can feel frustrating. You may want to give up and say, "Forget it."

Thus, the cube (person) is left, often tossed carelessly to the side, nevermore to be attempted.

Oh, you may consider taking off the stickers and putting the colors in order that way. The trouble with that is that when you start peeling stickers they lose their adhesion and don't want to stay in place.

Sometimes, we try to love others with the wrong motives or maybe even because we feel we "have to". When we do that, then it probably won't last. Much like peeling stickers, the adhesion quality of that type of love is weakened and eventually it (the love) just won't stick any longer.

Now, there are some in the world that can take a Rubik's cube and, in a matter of seconds, have it all put back in order. With a few strategic twists and turns they have all the colors lined up again. They somehow have the ability to see patterns in the brokenness of the colors on the cube when it is all mixed up. They are hailed as geniuses for something that comes very naturally to them.

We should endeavor to love like a Rubik's cube genius. We should strive to see the patterns in the brokenness of the colors and set our hearts to putting those colors in order.

We should not be satisfied with tossing others to the side when the challenge seems too great, nor should we seek to peel stickers in an effort to shorten the process. It is not the same as truly completing the puzzle of the cube.

Loving others should actually be easier than trying to fix a Rubik's cube. It should come to us as naturally as fixing a Rubik's cube comes to a seemingly rare genius.

Our supply of love is unending when we remember that it comes from the Lord. The ability to see the patterns in the brokenness also comes from the Lord. When we submit ourselves to His love and His sight, then the puzzle of loving others is not so much a mystery. We will find that love comes naturally when we get it from the Source.

God, the original Rubik's cube genius, able to see all the patterns in our broken lives, is eager to share His secrets with each of us. May we be eager to know such great mysteries as He is willing to impart. 

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