Friday, November 7, 2014

Through the Lens of Love

Imagine how different people might be if we build them up rather than tear them down. Whether someone makes mistake after mistake or just doesn't seem to measure up...just imagine. It's not always easy to see others the way the Lord sees them. We are often so short-sighted and temporary minded. God sees the eternal picture through a lens of love we so often cannot comprehend.
We are not different from one another really. In fact, we may be just a few bad (or simply different) choices away from being just like the ones we scoff at. How different our world and the world of another may be when we decide to really walk in that love we say we have for others around us.
I am not saying we should support bad behavior or that we should automatically trust everything said or done from another, especially when that trust may have been broken before or even over and over. I look around and see so much disconnect and brokenness. I see people out there hurting who are isolated from others and guarded.
They cannot often reach out for many reasons. The walls they built around themselves are often so tall and so thick. They seem to push us away by their words or actions, but what if.....What if we loved them anyway? Consistently and sincerely, without expectation of anything in return. "Impossible!", you say?
The bible tells me that God is love, and in another place it says love never fails. If God is love and love never fails, then I conclude that God never fails. Some would argue that God often fails. He fails our expectations. He fails to reconcile us to some who we prayed for. He fails to provide what we want or need. Sometimes we feel like God has broken our trust, so how can we or why should we love others fully and completely? Why should we allow others to love us?
God is love. Love never fails. God never fails. When we become persuaded in these truths our vision starts to become a little less short-sighted. When we allow God's love to truly wash through us and over us, we find we have an abundant supply to love even the most unlovely of people...and actually mean it. We no longer love them because "it is the right thing to do". No, we love them because we finally have a glimpse, a taste, of how much God loves us. We cannot help but be compelled by His love to love Him, love ourselves and love others.
Some people may be harder to extend love to. Maybe it has to be done from a distance or through our prayers, but it can be sincere. We will face many disappointments in life and many challenging people. I would encourage you to become so persuaded in the Lord and His ability to transform you and those around you.
In Matthew 16, Jesus asked His disciples, "But who do you say that I am?” We all have to answer that question for ourselves. I don't understand everything that the Lord does, but I am completely persuaded in Him.
I trust Him and I know that He can create beauty from ashes, joy from tears, life from death,. I know what He has done in my life, what He has seen me through, help me overcome and completely turned around. I know how often He has blessed me and how often He has been my Comforter.
When I look back on how He has kept, me , loved me, restored me and forgiven me, then how can I not love others? I often fail and it is easy to get caught up in the drama of tearing down another. However, I am persuaded that:
God is love.
Love never fails.
God never fails.
I pray you would be persuaded as well.

Comfortable Silence

How long are you willing to wait in silence to hear God speak to you? 

Developing a habit of prayer, where we talk to God, can be difficult. However, our talking to God is easier than our sitting still before Him and listening for His reply or His instructions. What if we had to sit silently before Him for five minutes? or ten or twenty? Are we willing to really "Be still" before Him so that we may "know that He is God"?

How interesting our prayer life and our walk with the Lord may become if we truly sought Him in silence. Can you imagine what church may be like if we, as a body of believers, truly sat still long enough to hear the Holy Spirit?

What if we agreed beforehand that we would wait upon the Lord? Initially, that silence would be very awkward, doubts would enter our minds as to whether the Holy Spirit would speak, and no doubt, somebody would have to say something to break the silence.

I have participated in prayer meetings that had a holy hush come over the group, but that hush only lasted maybe two minutes. Before God could reveal Himself somebody would speak up and that hush would be gone. 

I wonder what we deny ourselves when we deny the silence. What do we deny God?

I challenge you to daily seek that silence with the Lord. He may not speak to you right away. Perhaps He will allow a period of conditioning to occur. Maybe He will tell you something new everyday. I don't know, but if you never settle yourself before Him to be still and allow the silence between you and He to become comfortable, then you will never know either.

I also challenge myself to seek His silence more and to be confident in what He speaks to my heart and my spirit. Many blessings to you all.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Maybe We Should Just Go Naked

This month marks one year that my family and I have lived in our current home. It also marks one year since we began fellowshipping with a local church in our community. In addition, it marks one year since I went through a difficult process of separation and healing from another beloved group. It has been a year of sorrow, regret, loneliness, joy, new friendships, isolation, misunderstandings, reflection, meditation, prayer, evaluation, observation...all kinds of -tions. 

It has been a year of growth. It has also been a year of fellowshipping with many other believers from other churches. From baptists to pentecostal to full gospel to Methodist and non-denominational, we all had one thing in common. Jesus. It did not matter if we sang hymns, praise and worship or spiritual warfare songs, I noticed that God always responded to sincere hearts. He does not seem to have a favorite genre. If He did maybe it would simply be called 'complete and sincere surrender'. 

A year ago I was weighed down in my spirit. I felt blacklisted and ostracized. This, in turn, built walls of suspicion and insecurity around me. It was an internal conflict, because, on one hand I could recognize the walls forming. On the other hand, I was in the process of healing and these walls were kind of like scabs. They formed a protective layer on the outside while the inside was still tender. 

Much of God's saving grace came when my aunt told me of a weekly prayer meeting taking place not too far away. I was craving prayer...and a place to let my guard down. The meetings were incredible. The presence of the Lord was so tangible and I felt such freedom in my spirit to truly worship the Lord without fear or prejudice. My healing seemed to truly manifest itself week after week. I saw unity amongst many churches as different ones would come together to pray and worship. The denominations varied and faded away when all seemed to join together in one accord to praise and worship the Lord. 

Earlier in the year I wrote about old coats and the comfort an old coat can bring. It read in part: "Many of us may have a favorite coat hanging in our closet. Maybe we have had it for years. It might be worn but we just cannot seem to discard it."

The point was that we often drag  around old hurts, wounds and other things like an old favorite coat. At the time I thought I was being asked to wear a new coat...and maybe I was. I struggled with the fit of the new coat. It seemed tight, stuffy, itchy and just never seemed to fit. So, as I struggled against the new coat I found that my eyes were no longer on Jesus. I was too busy tugging on sleeves or pulling down on the hem. I was constantly fidgeting. 

I have recently discovered a solution for those pesky new coats that just won't fit. I have decided to just go naked.

It's risky, but I won't have to worry about fidgeting so much. So, when and where shall I go naked? A familiar quote comes to mind, "Go big or go home." Maybe I'll just go everywhere naked. It saves a bit of decision making and no one can feel discriminated against. In fact, I encourage you all to consider going naked as well. (For those of you prone to taking things quite literally, please continue reading before posting new pics to your Facebook profile.)

When the Lord took me to Australia ten years ago, one of the amazing things He did was to heal me of so many wounded places in my spirit and soul. I remember, as I sat in my friend's living room, seeing myself in my mind's eye. I was standing naked amidst a pile of rubble as far as my eyes could see. I felt so exposed (no pun intended). As I saw that I knew that the rubble surrounding me was the walls He had torn down from around me. He surrounded me with love and acceptance while there and, before I knew it, I was being healed and emboldened. 

Fast forward to this past year and you may understand why I could so quickly recognize the walls forming. I did not want to be trapped behind those walls again. The Lord told me once that, even though I thought He was allowed behind my walls, when we keep others out we limit God's ability to work in our lives. He works through those around us. His gifts, His grace and His love are hindered when they have to try and pass through walls we think are there for our protection. They may serve a purpose for a time, like scabs. Eventually, the wounds must heal, otherwise those walls can lead to our destruction. 

As this year has worn on I have learned to fidget less. I am learning more to be okay with who I am and how I was created. I think we all struggle with wanting to be accepted from time to time. My struggle was seldom voiced but often felt. I felt so different from so many. I think I am a shape shifter, because if I am supposed to fit into a round hole, then I am square peg. If the hole is square then maybe I become a heptagon or if the hole is triangular then I am sure I become anything but what is intended. You get the idea. 

I may never settle completely in one place, church, town, state or country. I have often been told I have gypsy blood. For me, I just see so many people yet to be met, loved, encouraged or acknowledged. At times, it can be frustrating to be in one spot for so long. I have to say that I think this past year I have been slightly rooted for the purpose of growth and cultivation. I confess, I sometimes dream of being transplanted, but I understand. Patience cannot be cultivated in a hurry. 

So, as I look back on this year in review I have decided to:

-Love more and judge less.
-Remember that God can be found where sincere hearts abound.
-Stop trying on coats, just go naked.
-Be myself and know that is enough. 
-Keep my eyes on Jesus.
-Be bold as instructed by the Lord.
-Let the Lord love me and be okay when others may not. 
-Be willing to be wrong.
-Be willing to be right. (Sometimes this is hard when it means that someone else may be seen as wrong and it could cause injury)
-Always be willing to be amazed.
-Remember that, oftentimes, the more we learn, the less we know...especially regarding the Lord.

For me, going naked simply means to just come as I am before the Lord. No pretense. No conforming to more than the word of God. No coats...and no hats for that matter. Just as I am, without one plea. Completely accepted. Never rejected. Standing naked in the presence of my God. While, at first,  you may feel awkward and 'exposed', know that He will clothe you in His love and in the light of His glory. Standing naked before God is very liberating. You can commune fully and completely with Him, knowing that you are created in His image and He sees the beauty of His creation when He looks at you. 

I am thankful for this past year. Whenever the Lord reminds you that He knows you by name and you see His hand at work in your life, you cannot help but be amazed...and humbled. His love is more than can be shared without you having that firsthand experience. I encourage you to seek Jesus. He is not a trial basis god. He does not do 'tricks' for  your entertainment. However, when you finally do say yes, then you will know. Jesus. There's just something about that name. 

This concludes my year in review. Many blessings to you all.