Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Spiritual Tumbleweeds

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
You look like a monkey,
And smell like one too.

Do you remember learning that little rhyme as children? I recently said it to my daughter, who is seven. She was not amused and got her feelings hurt. Never mind that she does not look like a monkey nor does she smell like one. Even the truth of knowing that did not seem to help her feel better. Of course, after a few minutes she went off to play and it all seemed to be forgotten. I wonder if it was forgotten and, if not, does the thought of it still make her sad.

Now, imagine if you could converse with a monkey and you said this poem to it. The monkey gets hurt and goes home to his father. Then imagine this is the exchange later between that monkey and it's father:

Monkey: Dad! My friend just made a poem about me. They said I looked like a money and smell like one too.
Dad: Well, are you a monkey?
Monkey: Yes.
Dad: Do you smell like a monkey?
Monkey: Yes
Dad: Then what is the problem? You have always been a monkey. You were created to be a monkey. It only stands to reason that you would also smell like a monkey.
Monkey: Oh! Okay. Thanks, Dad!

This morning I have been talking to the Lord, trying to clear the clutter from my mind. Some tears were shed as I cried out to the Lord in repentance for being who He created me to be. You may wonder what do I mean? Sometimes our best friends can have the best intentions. Sometimes we do the same. We offer advice and perspective that sometimes has labels attached to it. Sometimes these labels attach themselves to us. That was the case for me.

A few weeks ago one of my friends observed that I was like a tumbleweed. It was noted that tumbleweeds grow no roots. The meaning of that was in reference to my hesitation to be seated in one church and become a rooted member of that church. In a different conversation the observation was made that few Christians have 'staying power' in the church today. I have pondered these statements off and on for the past few weeks. I have even looked up what others had to say about spiritual tumbleweeds. Unfortunately, the information I found was very lacking in postive meaning.

In regards to staying power I would say that I view that phrase differently. For me, staying power is in relation to our relationship with Jesus. Through every circumstance, good or bad, do we stay in our faith, committed to Him and His word? Do we stay in faith in our prayers that have yet to be answered? Do we stay in faith believing against an unbelieving world? Does staying power relate to staying in a church simply for the sake of staying?

As far as being a spiritual tumbleweed, I have pondered that often. Is everyone made to be seated in one church and one church only? Are we to minister only to those within immediate arms reach? For me, I say no. I have not blown in and out of churches willy nilly. One of my favorite churches, when in my early twenties, split. Many times we have moved. Geography has played a role. I have children that I would like to raise in church, but not just any church. I want to be seated where the Lord says to sit, and if the Lord says to go, then I want to be obedient to that as well.

Here are a few descriptions about tumbleweeds listed by another blogger. All his words are in italics and quotation marks. I will post a link to his blog at the end.

-"When growing, a tumbleweed is firmly planted in the soil. But at the end of its growth season, it breaks loose, never to be planted again." His point with this one is that, "tumbleweed believers have not allowed their ROOTS to sink deep into the doctrines of truth."

In the life a of a tumbleweed it has reached the end of its growth season when it breaks loose. Often in churches, when a believer has reached a certain spiritual maturity the Lord often calls him or her out from whence they were grown. They are broken off to be sent to a new destination.

-"Tumbleweed believers spread their unwanted seeds at RANDOM. One of the reasons farmers hate tumbleweeds is because each tumbleweed has about 250,000 seeds. Imagine that. As a tumbleweed blows across the land, it scatters a quarter of a million seeds that potentially become tumbleweeds. And their seeds can grow in a wide range of temperatures. So all year long, farmers have to put up with this nuisance."

He likens the farmer to the church. I liken the farmer to the world. We, as tumbleweeds, are spreading seeds of the gospel of Christ. The world hates us and sees these seeds as a nuisance. They seem random, except when you liken the wind to the Holy Spirit being what determines the course of the tumbleweed and its seeds.

-"Tumbleweed believers blown by the wind are helpless to decide their own ROUTE. Tumbleweed believers can’t decide their own route. They’re in and out. This way, then that way."

The blogger references tumbleweed believers as those that are double-minded, tossed to and fro on the waves of an ocean.
Again, I liken the wind to the Holy Spirit. When we are completely at rest in the will of God, does it matter to where we are blown?

-"Tumbleweed believers begin to ROAM when confronted by a little pressure. Over the years I have seen people who refuse to deal with their sin. In fact, a lot of pastors are afraid to talk about sin from their pulpits. Why? Because people will pack up their marbles and leave. So pastors won’t talk about sin. My friend, pastors need to speak about backsliding and the devastating consequences of sin. Because these things will destroy you. But those who don’t want to hear the truth will get offended. And off they go like a tumbleweed."

I wholeheartedly agree with the author when he says pastors need to not be afraid to speak the truth. I do not agree that refusal to deal with your sin makes you a tumbleweed. He already stated that tumbleweeds reach the end of their growth season before they break away and become tumbleweeds. A believer unwilling to deal with his sin is not mature or nearly finished growing. Hence, he cannot be a tumbleweed, but rather, a child still requiring milk rather than the meat of God's word.

It has been a blessing to me to have fellowshipped in different churches throughout the years. I have been to Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Non-denominational, Pentecostal, Assemblies of God and Apostolic churches. The ones I have enjoyed the most are the ones where the Spirit of God is allowed to be present. That is not ruled by a denomination but by a willingness of the congregation to let the Lord lead and to follow His lead. Those are the moments when souls get saved, lives get changed, bodies get healed and brokenness is restored. Ahh, the sweet Presence of the Lord.

So, am I a spiritual tumbleweed? Yes, yes I am. I have never wanted to stay in one location forever simply because there were so many places the Lord could take me. If I root myself in one spot, then how would I be able to quickly be obedient to the Lord's call? I am not saying that I can never be a pemanent part of a church body, but really that is not what tops my list. I am happy to become a member when the Lord tells me I must. I am not opposed to growing roots, but again, unless the Lord plants me then it would only be in an effort to appease man. I admire those whom the Lord has called to one place and one place only. That works for them because they were created that way.

So, like the little monkey, I will be content to follow the advice of my Father. I will be content to be who He created me to be.

The world may hate me
for the seeds I sow
and the church
may not understand
the wind with which I blow
Nevertheless, I must go
Where my Father sends me.

To the North, South,
East and West,
I trust my Lord
that He knows best.
In His Presence
I find rest
His tumbleweed.

Link to blog mentioned: Tumbleweed Believers by Steve Hill

1 comment:

  1. Lord Jesus I am so grateful for "spiritual tumbleweeds." I too am one. I wear that badge with a sense of pride, knowing it is sanctioned by You, and when all is said and done, I only ever want to be found in Your perfect will for my life. If that means stopped, rooted and grounded in one place...OK. If not...that is still...OK! I will willingly "tumble" on. Amen! Lord let us never loose sight of the sensitivity we require to communicate effectively with Your Holy Spirit. You are a spirit, and those of us who worship You, can only do that, in spirit and in truth. So thank You for allowing us to "tumble " withersoever thou blow-est. Amen. Blessings. Leila.
